Use Ae Comp Center (checkbox)
When checked exported objects will be centered in relation to the After Effects composition center. For example when the resolution is 1920x1080 the After Effects composition center is [960,540,0] instead of a world origin center of [0,0,0].
Export Scale (value slider)
The Export Scale value modifies the scale of the scene data for cases where you desire smaller or larger values in After Effects. (see here for more details -
Export to Ae (button)
First select objects, vertices or faces in Blender then click 'Export to Ae' to transfer the data directly to After Effects. 
Supported in Object Mode:
- Cameras, Lights, Objects, Bones (must be selected in Pose mode) and/or Planes (Note that planar (flat) planes will be converted to precomposed shape layers).
Supported in Edit Mode:
- Vertices (in vertex select mode) or Faces (in face select mode).
Supported in Pose Mode:
- Bones
Import Ae Layers (button)
First select layers in After Effects then click 'Import Ae Layers' to import the Adobe After Effects orientation, rotation, position and scale data into Blender.
Supported layers from After Effects include:
- Cameras, Solids, Nulls
Import Scale (value slider)
The Import Scale value modifies the scale of the scene data for cases where you desire smaller or larger values between After Effects and Blender. (see here for more details -
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